15th Annual NABIG Congress, May 12-15, 2016 Call for Papers
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA May 12 – 15, 2016 The North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress 2016 is rapidly approaching. It will take place in Winnipeg, Canada at the University of Manitoba on May 12 – 15. The detailed PROGRAMME now available at: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/social_work/about/879.html REMINDER: early bird registration rates are available only until April 20. The congress is co-organized by the Basic Income Canada Network, the United States Basic Income Guarantee Network, Basic Income Manitoba, and the University of Manitoba. It will bring together social activists, policy advocates, researchers, government officials, and community members interested in the provision of an unconditional, universal, adequate basic income for all. Visit tourismwinnipeg.com for information about Winnipeg, Manitoba. Please direct inquiries to: nabigcongress2016@umanitoba.ca. Call for Participation and other details