Why UBI?

Michael Anthony Lewis Professor, Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center One of my earlier pieces in this series focused on objections to UBI. In this one, I’ll discuss arguments in support of it. Since…

Beyond Cancer Cell Ideology: Reframing the Demand for Basic Income in a Time of Mass Extinction

“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.” - Edward Abbey

A Deeper Dive into “Work” (Really “Labor Supply”) and UBI

A Deeper Dive into “Work” (Really “Labor Supply”) and UBI Michael A. Lewis Professor, Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center   In my previous piece “Why Not a UBI?” I said that…


WHY NOT A UBI? Michael Anthony Lewis  Professor, Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center   Although I like the idea of a UBI, this series isn’t meant to discuss what I like or dislike.…

Basic Income and the U.S. Welfare State

Michael Anthony Lewis Professor, Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center In the introduction to this series, I defined a UBI as an amount of money, “that people would periodically receive, on an individual…

Introduction to the Series: The Basics of Basic Income

Michael Anthony Lewis Professor, Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College Those who followed the U.S. Democratic Primaries have probably heard of Andrew Yang. Yang is a lawyer and entrepreneur who vied to represent the Democratic…

Culture and Poverty

Author: Michael Lewis, Professor Silberman School of Social Work, Hunter College Lawrence Mead is a political scientist who is on the faculty at New York University. For years, he has been writing about poverty, as well as policies ostensibly…

150 Economists Call for Emergency Cash Payments

Michael Howard Coordinator, USBIG (the views expressed here are those of the author) I am pleased to have signed this open letter, along with over 150 economists, in support of ongoing cash stimulus payments in response to the recession triggered…

UBI Activism Surging in the U.S.

Michael Howard Coordinator, USBIG Two years ago, if one were to speak of a basic income movement, one might be accused of hyperbole. USBIG was able to muster support for annual congresses, in cooperation with the Basic Income Canada Network,…

Take Action Now: US CARES 2 Act

This weekend, April 24-26, the US Congress will be debating and probably voting on the CARES 2 Act, the next phase in responding to the health and financial crisis brought on by the coronavirus. A remarkable coalition has formed, under the leadership…