Psychologists Help Better Understand Current UBI Debate
BlogInterview with Joachim Hüffmeier, Professor in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Soomi Lee
It should be no surprise that opinions toward UBI differ considerably. We each have our own assumptions about the proper relationship between money…
State-Level UBI and Guaranteed Income Initiatives in the U.S.
BlogPeter T. Knight
Coordinator, Sufficiency4Sustainability Network
As of September 3, 2021, 25 cities and towns in the United States are planning or carrying out guaranteed income pilot programs, and the number is expected to continue increasing…
What would Andrew Yang's Basic Income plan have meant for New Yorkers?
BlogMax Ghenis
Andrew Yang's campaign for mayor of New York has concluded, but his centering of basic income in his campaign (for a second time) remains noteworthy. The candidate proposed a "Basic Income for New York" which would spend $1 billion…