UBI: Good for people of color (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 10)
BlogSignificant structural disadvantages for people of color exist in the United States. These disadvantages will not go away until U.S. citizens work together to eliminate them. UBI will not eliminate structural disadvantages, but it can help.

UBI: Good for women (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 9)
BlogAll or most of the arguments in part 8 apply to women as much as they do to men. Women make up about half of the workforce, and women are disproportionately subject to harassment, low-wages, poor working conditions, and disrespect on the job.…

UBI: Good for workers (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 8)
BlogUnderlying the work ethic, reciprocity, and exploitation objections are two questionable presumptions: that UBI is somehow bad for workers and that there is a recognizable dichotomy between “workers” and “UBI recipients.”
My book, Universal…