USBIG is currently  working with other basic income groups to better coordinate our efforts to promote basic income. We are exploring ways we can support the formation of local groups, and publicity and lobbying at local, state, and national levels, through our website, newsflash, discussion papers, conferencing, and volunteer organizing.

Michael Howard
USBIG Network

Membership in the USBIG Network is free and open to anyone who shares our goals.

By contributing to USBIG, you support our efforts to publicize information and analysis of basic income and related policies, and facilitate dialogue with policy makers, academics, activists, and the general public.

Members receive the monthly newsflash. And they can participate  in the annual General Assembly that takes place at the North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress. Unless they choose to remain anonymous, members are entitled to have their names listed in the USBIG membership list. We do not share your information with anyone.

Membership Form