Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1989 | Hall, Stuart and Held, David | " Left and rights, Marxism Today." | London, June 1989, 16-23. |
1989 | Nissen, Sylke & Vobruba, Georg. | "Wege aus der Armut." | Soziale Grundsicherung und garantiertes Grundeinkommen. K. Böllert & H.-U. Otto Hrsgb, Soziale Arbeit auf der Suche nach Zukunft, Bielefeld: KT-Verlag, 1989, 49-62. |
1989 | Saraceno, Chiara | "Una persona, un reddito." | Politica ed Economia (Roma) Gennaio 1989, 27-32. (English translation available from IRES, Via Santa Teresa 23, I-00198 Roma.) |
1989 | Voedingsbond FNV. | "Basisinkomen kent geen grenzen." | Bijdrage aan de Europese diskussie over invoering van basisinkomen. Voedinsbond FNV (Postbus 9750, NL3506 GT Utrecht, Netherlands, phone 030/738333), April 1989, 24p, illustrated. |
1989 | Elster, Jon | "Solomonic Judgements. Studies in the limitations of rationality." | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, 232p. |
1989 | Meade, J.E. | "Topsy-Turvey Nationalization" | In: Basic Income Research Bulletin, No. 10,Autumn/Winter, pp. 2-3. |
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1989 | Nuti, Mario | "Meade, l'impresa cooperativa e il socialismo di mercato." | Quaranta Cinque (Via Guattani 9, I-00161 Roma) 10-11, October-November 1989, 3-5. |
1989 | Anthonissen, Karel | "Een wereld in schuld" | Groene beschouwingen over economie, financiën en fiscaliteit. Antwerpen: GCV Els Van den Heuvel, 1989, 175p. |
1989 | Robert Banks | Costing the Earth | Major economic and environmental crises stem from imperfections in the land market, yet the theory which explains the allocation and value of natural resources is relegated to the periphery of social science and ignored by policy-makers. This is the thesis advanced by the authors who argue that problems ranging from the deforestation of the Amason basin to urban decay can be traced to a common factor: the failure to put a proper value on the resources of nature. Publisher: Robert Schalkenbach Fndtn |
1989 | Forum für Alternativen. | "Kein Mensch soll darben! Garantiertes Mindesteinkommen zur Absicherung gegen Not und Armut' | Internationale Gesellschaft für Politik, Friedens- und Umweltforschung (c/o Prof Dr Lutz Roemheld, Löhnquelle 31, D-5758 Fröndenberg, West Germany), 1989, 52p. |