Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1989 | Atkinson, Anthony B | "Poverty and Social Security" | Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989, 400p. |
1989 | Meade, James E. | " Agathotopia." | Istruzioni per l'uso imprenditoriale della ricchezza pubblica, del lavoro e della proprietà privata. Milano: Feltrinelli ("Idee"), September 1989, xxvii + 147p., LIT 24000. |
1989 | Milano, Serge. | "La Pauvreté absolue.v" | Paris: Hachette ("Mutations"), 1988, 265p., 130FF |
1989 | Parker, Hermione | "Instead of the Dole. An enquiry into integration of the tax and benefit systems." | Drawing on more than ten years specialist research into the overlapping complexities of personal taxation and social security the author shows why the existing tax and benefit systems are beyond repair, and examines the case for integration. London: Routledge, 1989, 437p., |
1989 | Iacobacci, Mario / Seccarecci, Marlo | " Full Employment versus Income Maintenance: Some Reflections on the Macroeconomic and Structural Implications of a Guaranteed Income Program for Canada" | In: Studies in Political Economy 28 (Spring 1989), p. 137-173. |
1989 | Passet René | "Production, emploi, revenu: le divorce." | Futuribles (55 rue de Varennes, F-75341 Paris Cedex 07), avril 1989, 35-54. |
1989 | Purdy, David | "Social Power and the Labour Market." | A radical approach to labour economics. London: Macmillan (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 2XS, GB), 1988, 280p. |
1989 | Van Parijs, Philippe | "Werkelijke vrijheid voor allen." | Een antwoord op het neoliberalisme. Terugkeer van de ethiek. Denken over economie en samenleving (Luk Bouckaert ed.), Leuven & Amersfoort: ACCO, 1989, 131-146. |
1989 | Namotte René | "Le Citoyen, l'impôt et l'état" | Une réflexion à propos d'un choix de société de société, de qualité de vie. November 1989, 88p., available from the author. |
1989 | Kesenne, Stefan. | "Market labor supply. informal work and the basic income proposal," | Universitaire Faculteiten St Ignatius, Studiecentrum voor Economisch en Sociaal Onderzoek (Prinsstraat 13, B-2000 Antwerpen), rapport 89/234, 26p. |