Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1989 | Vobruba, Georg | "Der wirtschaftliche Wert der Sozialpolitik." | Berlin: Duncker & Humblot (Sozialpolitische Schriften n°60), 1989, 239p. |
1989 | Ashdown, Paddy | "Citizens' Britain: A radical agenda for the 1990's." | London: Fourth Estate, 1989, £5.95. |
1989 | Tanghe, Fernand | "Le Droit au travail entre histoire et utopie: de la répression de la mendicité à l'allocation universelle." | Florence: Institut Universitaire Européen & Bruxelles: Facultés Universitaires Saint Louis, 1989, 242p. |
1989 | ANDERSSON, Jan Otto | "Vänsterframtid" | Nationalekonomiska studier av fordismens kris och morgondagens alternativ (Left Future. Economic essays on the crisis of fordism and tomorrow's alternative). Foklets Bildningsförbund, Helsingfors (Finland), 1989. |
1989 | Capecchi, Vittorio | Dalla formazione professionale al reddito di cittadinanza. | Politica ed Economia 4, Aprile 1989, 11p |
1989 | Gorz, André | "Critique of Economic Reason." | London & New York : Verso (6 Meard Street, London W1V 3HR), 1989, 25O p. |
1989 | Powell, Robin Seeley | "Social Wage." | The elimination of poverty. typescript, 193p. |
1989 | Daly, Herman E. & Cobb, John B. | "For the Common Good. Redirecting the economy toward community, the environment and a sustainable future." | Boston : Beacon Press, 1989, 482 p., $ 24.95. |
1989 | Kalela, Jorma | "Työttömyys 1900-luvun suomalaisessa yhteiskuntapolitiikassa" | [Unemployment in 20th century Finnish politics]. Helsinki: Työvoimaministeriö [Ministry of Labour], |
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1989 | Pugliese, Enrico & Saraceno, Chiara | "Reddito di cittadinanza e dintorni." | Politica ed Economia, June 1989, 4p. |