Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1990 | Negro, Paola & al. | "il reddito di cittadinanza." | Topic issue of Democrazia e Diritto. Bimestrale del Centro du studi e di iniziative per la riforma dello stato (Via della Vitte, 13, I-00187 Roma) Vol.30 (1), gennaio-febbraio 1990, 141-232. |
1990 | Opielka, Michael | "Gemeinschaft und Sozialpolitik." | Institut für Sozialökologie (Geschäftstelle, D-5202 Hennef 41, Wiederschall, Germany), Working Paper 5/90, August 1990 |
1990 | Morley-Fletcher, Edwin | "Qualche ipotesi d'avvio per il reddito du cittadinanza." | Quaranta Cinque (Via Guattani 9, I-00161 Roma) 10-11, October-November 1989, 51-54 |
1990 | Soininvaara, Osmo | "Vihreä markkinatalous" | [The green market economy]. Helsinki: Hanki ja Jàà, |
1989 | Justice Commission of the Conference of Major Religious Superiors. | "Who Benefits, Who Pays?" | Submission to the Dail and Seanad on aspects of the 1989 Budget, Dublin: C.M.R.S. (Milltown Park, Dublin 6, Republic of Ireland), 47p. |
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1989 | Negro, Paola (ed.) | "Reddito e diritti di cittadinanza." | Nuove prospettive di welfare. Contributi del Seminario Internazionale IRES, Roma, Aprile 1989, topic issue of Inchiesta. Trimestrale di ricerca e pratica sociale (Casella postale 752, Bologna, Italy) n°83/84, gennaio-giugno 1989, 108p, LIT 16000. |
1989 | Milano, Serge | "Jalons pour une histoire du revenu minimum garanti (XIXe - XXe siècles)" | Economies et Sociétés (Paris) 12, 1989, 107-134. |
Article | |
1989 | Ashdown, Paddy | "Citizens' Britain: A radical agenda for the 1990's." | London: Fourth Estate, 1989, £5.95. |
1989 | Macarov, David | "Quitting Time: the end of work." | Special issue of the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Hull, GB) 8, 1988, 181p. |
1989 | Vakgroep Arbeidsekonomie | "Basisinkomen.' | Onderzoeksrapport aan het Instituut voor Politieke Ekologie. Universiteit Antwerpen: Studiecentrum voor Economisch en Sociaal Onderzoek (13 Prinsstraat, B-2000 Antwerpen), [February 1989], 49p. |