Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
2000 | LAURENT, Thierry & L'HORTY, Yannick. | "Réforme du RMI et incitations à l'emploi: une mise en perspective" | Paper presented at the conference "Working Poor en France", Université d'Evry (France): Centre d'étude des politiques économiques, May 2000, 30p. |
2000 | HUBER, Joseph & ROBERTSON, James. | " Creating New Money. A Monetary Reform for the Information Age." | London: New Economics Foundation (,, 2000, 92p., £ 7.95, ISBN 1 899407 29 4. (Authors' addresses: Institut für Soziologie, Martin-Luther-Universität, D-06099 Halle,, The Old Bakehouse, Cholsey, OX10 9NU, England, |
Link | |
2000 | WHITE, Stuart. | "Review Article: Social Rights and the Social Contract — Political Theory and the New Welfare Politics" | In Britisch Journal for Political Science 30, 2000, 507-32. (Author's address: Jesus College, Oxford, |
2000 | McKAY, Ailsa & VANEVERY, Jo. | "Gender, Family, and Income Maintenance: A Feminist Case for Citizen's Basic Income" | In Social Politics 7 (2), 2000, 266-284. (First author's address: Glasgow Caledonian Univ, Dept Econ, Glasgow G4 0BA, Lanark, Scotland.) |
2000 | ULATOWSKA, Lisinska | "Kruispunt van de mensheid." | Nieuwe wegen door een wereldbasisinkomen voor alle mannen, vrouwen en kinderen, Kampen: Kok Agora, 1995, 180p. |
2000 | George, Robley E | "Socioeconomic Democracy: An Advanced Socioeconomic System." | Manhattan Beach, CA: Center for the Study of Democratic Societies. 298 pages. |
2000 | IGLESIAS Fernández, José ed | "Ante la falta de derechos: ¡Renta Básica, Ya!" | Barcelona: Virus Editorial, 2000, 288p. |
2000 | PINTO CAÑON | "Por una Constitución económica" | In Diario de León 14 October 2000. |
2000 | SEMPERE, Jaume | "Una justificación del ingreso básico fundamentada en la eficiencia" | In El Trimestre Económico (Mexico) 262, 2000, pp. 175-88. |
2000 | HET IDEALE EIGENBELANG | "Blad voor wereldburgers, Varik" | (NL): Stichting UNO Inkomen (Noordwal 27, 5211 'sHertogenbosch, NL, 7(1), Spring 2000, 36p. and 7(2), zomer 2000, 36p. |