Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1980 | de Galan, C | "Arbeid en niet-arbeid: economische aspecten." | Arbeid en Niet-Arbeid (C. de Galan ed.), Deventer: Kluwer, 85-113. |
1980 | Robins, Philip K. and Richard West | “Labor-Supply Response Over Time.” | The Journal of Human Resources 15, 4 (Fall): 524-544. |
1980 | Johnson, William R | “The Effect of a Negative Income Tax on Risk-Taking in the Labor Market.” | Economic Inquiry 18, no. 3 (July): 395-407 |
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1980 | Dahrendorf, Rolf | "Im Entschwinden der Arbeitsgesellschaft" | In: Merkur 34. |
1980 | Pencavel, John | “Market Work Decisions and Unemployment of Husbands and Wives in the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments.” | Research Memorandum No. 68. Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, SRI International (January). |
1980 | Bishop, John, | “Jobs, Cash Transfers, and Martial Instability: A Review and Synthesis of the Evidence.” | Journal of Human Resources 15, no. 3 (Summer). |
1980 | van der Doef, J. | "Werk moet een recht blijven." | Haagse Post 21, 6-8. |
1980 | de Beus, Jos | "Een Rotterdamse dwaling: een basisinkomen voor iedereen." | Sociaal Bestek 12, 212-213. |
1980 | Pym, Dennis | "Professional Mismanagement - The skill wastage in employment." | Futures, April 80, 9p. |
1980 | Robins, Philip K., Nancy Brandon, and K. E. Yeager | “Effects of SIME/DIME on Changes in Employment Status.” | The Journal of Human Resources 15, 4 (Fall): 545-573. |