Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1986 | van der Werf, D. | "Basic Income and Changes in Society." | Contribution to the First International Conference on Basic Income, Louvain-La-Neuve, September 1986, 10p. |
1986 | Vobruba, Georg | "Der Arbeitsmarkt -ein Markt?" | Zukunft, Avril 1986. |
1986 | Weyers, I | "De begrippen vrijheid en gelijkheid zijn een grondige revisie toe.' | De Groene Amsterdammer, 4.6.1986. |
1986 | Adler-Karlsson, Gunnar | "The Abolition of Wage Slavery, another step in the human ascent towards freedom" | Paper presented at the First International Conference on Basic Income, Louvain-La-Neuve, Sept. 1986. |
1986 | Callender, Rosheen | "Basic Income in Ireland - The Debate to Date." | Paper presented at the First International Conference on Basic Income, Louvain-La-Neuve, Sept. 1986. |
1986 | Coyle, Dennis and Aaron Wildavsky | “Social Experimentation in the Face of Formidable Fables.” | Lessons from the Income Maintenance Experiments. Alicia H. Munnell ed., Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. |
1986 | Deleeck, Herman | "Het basisinkomenin het licht van de huidige sociale zekerheidsproblemen" | Beleid & Maatschappij, 5, september-oktober 1986, 224-233, |
1986 | Ponsot, Auguste | " Le Revenu Social Minimum." | Les Actions innovantes d'initiative locale adaptées aux nouvelles formes de détresse sociale, livre blanc de l'ANCBAS, Avril 86, 59-84. |
1986 | Haerlin, M.B. | "La sécurité sociale dans la Communauté européenne" | Projet de rapport sur. Parlement Européen, juillet 1986, 5-19. |
1986 | Hanusheck, Eric | “Non-Labor-Supply Response to the Income Maintenance Experiments.” | Lessons from the Income Maintenance Experiments, Alicia Munnell, ed. 106-121. Boston: The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston |