Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1978 | Robins, Philip K. and Richard West | “Participation in the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments and Its Effects on Labor Supply.” | Palo Alto, CA: Stanford Research Institute, Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, Research Memorandum No. 53. |
1978 | Robins, Philip K. and Richard West | “A Longitudinal Analysis of the Labor Supply Response to a Negative Income Tax Program: Evidence from the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments.” | Palo Alto, CA: Stanford Research Institute, Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, Research Memorandum No. 59. |
1978 | Salamon, Lester M. | "Welfare: The Elusive Consensus: Where We Are, How We Got There, and What's Ahead" | Praeger Publishers, 1978. |
1978 | Thoits, Peggy | “Income Maintenance, Life Changes, and Psychological Distress: Implications for the Life Events Theory.” | Research Memorandum No. 66. Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, SRI International (July). |
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1978 | Thoits, Peggy, and Michael T. Hannan | “Income and Psychological Distress: Evidence from the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments.” | Research Memorandum No. 50. Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, SRI International (March). |
1978 | Tuma, Nancy, Michael Hannan, and Lyle Groenveld | “Dynamic Analysis of Marital Stability.” | Research Memorandum No. 58. Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, SRI International (September). |
1978 | U.S. Senate | "Welfare Research and Experimentation: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Assistance of the Committee on Finance" | United States Senate. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office (November). |
1978 | Vleminckx, A. | "De negatieve inkomstenbelasting." | Brussel : Diensten van de Eerste Minister, 330p. |
1978 | West, Richard | “The Rate of Time Preference of Families in the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments.” | Research Memorandum No. 51. Menlo Park, CA: Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, SRI International |
1977 | Adret | "Travailler deux Heures par jour." | Publisher:Paris: Le Seuil. |
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