Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1984 | Gorz, André | "Au delà de la société de travail." | Virages (Bruxelles) 2, 8-12. |
1984 | Gorz, André | "Emploi et revenu: un divorce nécessaire ?" | Propos recueillis par Denis Clerc). Alternatives Economiques 23, 15-17. |
1984 | Grünen NRW. | "Sozialhilfe. Gruene Vorstellungen ueber die Abschaffung der Armut." | Landesvorstand der Grünen NRW, 25p. |
1984 | Handy, Charles | "The Future of Work." | "Gods and Management" and "Understanding Organizations" presents two scenarios for the future. In one, full-time employment remains essential to the economy, the individual's self-esteem and social life, and as a means of social control. The result? A bitterly divided society in which the top 30% of the population in formal employment forms a rich top layer. Poverty will increase, social instability will grow. Oxford: Blackwell, 1984. |
1984 | Hemming, R. | "Poverty and Incentives. The Economics of Social Security." | An account of the Social Security system in Britain and how it influences the lifestyle of the poorest within our society. Subjects considered include: social security analysis; the structure of social security; poverty in Britain; working families; unemployment, sickness, and disabilty; retirement pensions; housing benefits; social security reform. Publisher: Oxford University Press |
1984 | Hinrichs, K., Offe, C. & Wiesenthal, H. | " The crisis of the welfare state and alternative modes of work redistribution" | Universität Bielefeld: Fakultät für Soziologie. |
1984 | Irish Transport and General Workers' Union. | "Social Welfare - The system must change." | Liberty, vol. 38, No 8, mars 84. |
1984 | Irish Transport and General Workers' Union | "Submission to the commission on social welfare." | Dublin, Février 84. |
1984 | Johnson, Terry R. and John H. Pencavel | “Dynamic Hours of Work Functions for Husbands, Wives, and Single Females.” | Econometrica 52 (March): 363-389. |
1984 | Jordan, Bill | "Work, income and the social dividend." | Paper presented at the SWAG meeting, 29.3.1984, 11 p. |