Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1986 | Bresson, Yoland. | "Basic-Income is the 'Standard Time-Value'" | International conference on Basic Income, Louvain-La-Neuve, Sept.1986. |
1986 | Brown A. | "A Basic Income for Youth" | BIRG Bulletin, 6, Autumn 1986, 3-5. |
1986 | Bryant, W. Keith | “A Portfolio Analysis of Poor Rural Wage-Wokring Families’ Assets and Debts.” | American Journal of Agricultural Economics 68, no. 2: 237-245 (May). |
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1986 | Bueb, E., Opielka, Michael., Schreyer, M. & Zander, M | "Freiheit von Armut, ein Grünes Modell einer bedarfsorientierten Grundsicherung in allen Lebenslagen" | Bonn, avril 1986, 11p. |
1986 | Béguin, Jean-Marie | "Le chèque allocation-service " | (AS). CSC, Bruxelles, 9p. |
1986 | Cain, Glen C | "The Income Maintenance Experiments and the Issues of Marital Stability and Family Composition and the Income Maintenance Experiments." | Lessons from the Income Maintenance Experiments. Alicia H. Munnell ed., Boston: Federal Reserve Bank, p. 60-93. |
1986 | Callender, Rosheen | "Basic Income in Ireland - The Debate to Date." | Paper presented at the First International Conference on Basic Income, Louvain-La-Neuve, Sept. 1986. |
1986 | Carens, Joseph H. | "The Virtues of Socialism" | Theory and Society, volume 15, 5, 1986, 689-694. |
1986 | Collectif Charles Fourier | " L'indennità generale." | Azimut (Milano) 23, 35-38. |
1986 | Commission on Social Welfare | "Strategies for Social Welfare." | Extract from Report (Dublin, Ireland, 1986), Ch.8, 172-185. |