Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
2018 | Yang, Andrew | The War on Normal People: The Truth About America's Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future | From entrepreneur Andrew Yang, the founder of Venture for America, an eye-opening look at how new technologies are erasing millions of jobs before our eyes-and a rallying cry for the urgent steps America must take, including Universal Basic Income, to stabilize our economy. |
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2018 | Lowrey, Annie | Give People Money, How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World | A global look at universal basic income—a stipend given to every citizen—and why it might be necessary in an age of rising inequality, persistent poverty, and dazzling technology. |
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2017 | Van Parijs, P. and Y. Vanderborght | Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy | Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press The authors seamlessly combine philosophy, politics, and economics as they compare the idea of a basic income with rival ideas past and present for guarding against poverty and unemployment. |
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2017 | Pereira, Richard (Ed.) | Financing Basic Income | Addressing the Cost Objection | This book argues that basic income at a decent level is, in fact, affordable. The contributors approach the topic from the perspectives of three different countries—Canada, Switzerland, and Australia—to overcome objections that a universal program to keep all citizens above the poverty line would be too expensive to implement. |
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2017 | Guy Standing | Basic Income: A Guide for the Open-Minded | Publisher: Yale University Press Basic income is a revolutionary idea that guarantees regular, unconditional cash transfers from the government to all citizens. It is an acknowledgement that everyone plays a part in generating the wealth currently enjoyed by only a few and would rectify the recent breakdown in income distribution. |
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2017 | Guy Standing | A Pelican Introduction | Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen | Publisher: Pelican Guy Standing has been at the forefront of the movement for nearly 4 decades, and in this superb and thorough survey he explains how it works and why it has the potential to revitalise life and democracy in our societies. |
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2016 | Malcolm Torry | The Feasibility of Citizen's Income (Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee) | Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan This book is the first full-length treatment of the desirability and feasibility of implementing a citizen’s income (also known as a basic income). It tests for two different kinds of financial feasibility as well as for psychological, behavioral, administrative, and political viability, and then assesses how a citizen’s income might find its way through the policy process from proposal to implementation. |
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2016 | Malcolm Torry | Citizen's Basic Income | Publisher: Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Citizen's Basic Income - often called 'Universal Basic Income' or simply 'Basic Income' - is an act of grace. It is an unconditional income paid automatically to every individual as a right of citizenship and operates on a similar principle to the National Health Service - free at point of use for every legal resident. |
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2015 | Malcolm Torry | 101 reasons for a Citizen's Income: Arguments for giving everyone some money | Publisher: Policy Press 101 Reasons for a Citizen’s Income offers a short, accessible introduction to the debate on a Citizen’s Income, showing how a universal, unconditional income for every citizen would solve problems facing the UK’s benefits system, tackle poverty, and improve social cohesion and economic efficiency. |
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2013 | Karl Widerquist, Jose Noguera, Yannick Vanderborght, and Jurgen De Wispelaere (eds.) | Basic Income: An Anthology of Contemporary Research | Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Presents a compilation of six decades of Basic Income literature. It includes the most influential empirical research and theoretical arguments on all aspects of the Basic Income proposal. |
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