UBI and incentives (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 4)
BlogEditor's note: This post is Part 4 of the series on Mandatory Participation by Karl Widerquist. Earlier parts have been also posted in this blog.
People who are introduced to UBI often ask, “What about incentives?” UBI helps fix…

The essential reason I support UBI and a voluntary-participation economy (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 2)
BlogIt’s wrong for anyone to come between another person and the resources they need to survive. No person or group has the moral authority to impose conditions on anyone else’s access to the resources they need to survive.

Mandatory Participation on Trial
BlogEditor's note: Karl Widerquist, Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University-Qatar), has recently launched a new 17-part series on his blog titled "Mandatory Participation on Trial". USBIG is going to repost this series with our audience…