Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1989 | Aznar, Guy. | "L'Europe, le Continent de la 3ème dimension" | Contribution to Europe 93. Pour un projet de civilisation, 20p. |
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1989 | Robert Banks | Costing the Earth | Major economic and environmental crises stem from imperfections in the land market, yet the theory which explains the allocation and value of natural resources is relegated to the periphery of social science and ignored by policy-makers. This is the thesis advanced by the authors who argue that problems ranging from the deforestation of the Amason basin to urban decay can be traced to a common factor: the failure to put a proper value on the resources of nature. Publisher: Robert Schalkenbach Fndtn |
1989 | Barthalay Bernard | "Propositions économi-ques, monétaires et institutionnelles" | Paris: Europe 93 (c/o Futuribles, 55 rue de Varennes, F-75341, France), octobre 1989, 17p. |
1989 | British Communist Party | "Manifesto for new times" | London: Communist Party, 1989, 35p. |
1989 | Brittan, Samuel. | "The search for agathotopia" | Financial Times 31.8.1989, p.15. |
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1989 | Burnheim, John. | "Is Democracy Possible? The alternative to electoral politics." | Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985, paperback 1989, VII + 205 p. |
1989 | Caillé, Alain | "Critique de la raison utilitaire." | Paris: La Découverte (1 Place Paul Painlevé, F-75005 Paris), 142p., FF85. |
1989 | Callender, Rosheen | Down to Basics. Making Sense. | Ireland's political and cultural review, May/June 1989, 10-19. |
1989 | Capecchi, Vittorio | Dalla formazione professionale al reddito di cittadinanza. | Politica ed Economia 4, Aprile 1989, 11p |
1989 | Choudhry, Saud | "Income Maintenance Experiments and Household Transition Dynamics: A Temporal Treatment of Incremental Effects." | Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manitoba |