Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1996 | CAILLE, Alain | "Vers un nouveau contrat social?" | in Jean-Pierre Le Goff & Alain Caillé, Le Tournant de decembre, Paris: La Découverte, 1996, 89 FF, 168p, pp. 83-150, ISBN 2-7071-2557-1. |
1996 | CAILLE, Alain, LAVILLE, Jean-Louis & al. | "Repenser la lutte contre le chomage" | in Le Debat (Paris), 89, mars-avril 1996, 79-118. |
1996 | Cattacin, Sandro | "La politique de lutte contre l'exclusion du marché de l'emploi dans une Europe en transformation" | Paper presented at BIEN'S 6th Congress, Vienna, 12-14 September 1996. |
1996 | CENTRE DES JEUNES DIRIGEANTS D'ENTREPRISE | "L'Entreprise au XXIe siècle, Paris: Flammarion" | 1996, 158p., 80 FF, ISBN 2-08-210028-6. |
1996 | Chapman, David | "Reform of the Tax and Benefit System to Reduce Unemployment" | Paper presented at BIEN'S 6th Congress, Vienna, 12-14 September 1996. |
1996 | CITIZEN'S INCOME BULLETIN | "BULLETIN 21" | February 1996, Citizen's Income Study Centre (St Philips Building, Sheffield Street, London WC2A 2EX), £3, 32p. |
1996 | CITIZEN'S INCOME BULLETIN | "Bulletin 22" | July 1996, Citizen's Income Study Centre (St Philips Building, Sheffield Street, London WC2A 2EX, E-mail:, £3, 32p. |
1996 | CLARK, Charles & KAVANAGH, Catherine | "Basic Income, Inequality, and Unemployment: Rethinking the Linkage Between Work and Welfare" | In Journal of Economic Issues 30 (2), June 1996, pp. 399-407. |
1996 | Clark, Charles | "Basic Income and Full Employment," | Paper presented at BIEN'S 6th Congress, Vienna, 12-14 September 1996. |
1996 | CREEDY, John | "Comparing Tax and Transfer Systems: Poverty, Inequality and Target Efficiency" | Economica (London) 63, 1996, 163-174. |