Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1996 | AECEP | "Appel européen pour une citoyenneté et une économie plurielles" | 21 Boulevard de Grenelle, F-75015 Paris, Fax: 33-1-45783402), E-mail:, July 1996, 4p. |
1996 | AIRE | Lettre de liaison 12 & 13 | été et automne 1996, 14p. & 13p., FF 200 per year. |
1996 | AIRE | Lettre de liaison 11 | n°11, hiver 1996, 12p. |
1996 | ALPEROVITZ | "Distributing Our Technological Inheritance" | Paper presented at BIEN'S 6th Congress, Vienna, 12-14 September 1996. ( |
1996 | Andersson,Jan-Otto, | "Why a Citizen's Income should be combined with a Citizen's Wage" | Paper presented at BIEN'S 6th Congress, Vienna, 12-14 September 1996. ( |
1996 | ANDERSSON, Jan Otto | "Fundamental Values for the Third Left" | New Left Review (London), April 1996, 120-126. |
1996 | Atkinson, Anthony B | "James Meade's Vision: Full Employment and Social Justice" | National Institute Economic Review (London), July 1996, 90-96. |
1996 | Atkinson, Anthony B | "The Case for a Participation Income", | The Political Quarterly (Oxford) 67 (1), January-March 1996, 67-70. |
1996 | Atkinson, Anthony B | "The Distribution of Income: Evidence, Theories and Policy" | De Economist 144, 1996, 1-21. |
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1996 | Balzarotti, Andrea, Ponti, Marco & Silva, Francesco | “Reddito di cittadinanza: un’utopia?” | Il Mulino 3, 1996, 545-64. |