Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1984 | ADIC - Equipe Paul VI | "L'allocation générale" | La Hulpe (Belgique), 12p. |
1984 | Albeda, Wim | "De Crisis van de Werkloosheid en de Verzorgingsstaat." | Analyse en perspectief. Kampen (NL): Kok. |
1984 | ANDERSSON, Jan Otto | "From a Mixed Capitalist to a Dual Socialist Society" | Nordic Views and Values, Stockholm: The Nordic Council, 1984 |
1984 | Arbeitslosengruppen. | "Ein neuer 'Gesellschaftsvertrag' gegen die Isolation." | TAZ 19.10.1984. |
1984 | Ashby, Peter | "Social security after Beveridge - What next ?" | London: National Council for Voluntary Organizations, 34p. |
1984 | Atkinson, Anthony B. & Sutherland, Holly | "A tax credit scheme and families in work" | London: ESRC Programme on Taxation, Incentives and the Distribution of Income, working paper 54, 28p. |
1984 | Atkinson, Anthony B. | "The costs of social dividend and tax credit schemes." | London: ESRC Programme on Taxation, Incentives and the Distribution of Income, working paper 63, 32p. |
1984 | Atkinson, Anthony B | "Review of the UK social security system: evidence to the National Consumer Council." | ondon: ESRC Programme on Taxation, Incentives and the Distribution of Income, working paper 66, 33p. |
1984 | Batstra, J.F. & Timmer, J.S | "Basisinkomen .. wat geeft het ? Een vergelijking tussen een basisinkomensplan en wijzigingsvoorstellen voor sociale zekerheid" | Amsterdam: Studiekring Post-Keynesiaanse Economie, 14 p. |
1984 | Block, Fred | "Technological Change and Employment: New Perspectives on an old controversy" | Estratto de Economia & Lavoro, n.3, Luglio-Settembre 1984, Marsilio Editori, 3-21. |