Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1986 | Kitchen B. | "A Guaranteed Income: A New Look at an Old Idea" | Toronto. |
1986 | Roland, G. | "Why socialism needs Basic Income, Why Basic Income needs socialism." | Contribution to the First International Conference on Basic Income, Louvain-la-Neuve, September 1986, 12p. |
1986 | Stroeken, Jan | "Socialistische politiek voor de sociale zekerheid." | Maandschrift Economie 50, 50-61. |
1986 | Blum, Barbara B. | “Views of a policymaker and public administrator.” | Lessons from the Income Maintenance Experiments. Alicia H. Munnell ed., Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. |
1986 | Carens, Joseph H. | "The Virtues of Socialism" | Theory and Society, volume 15, 5, 1986, 689-694. |
1986 | Nooteboom, Bart | "Basic Income: A Basis for small business." | Contribution to the First International Conference on Basic Income, Louvain-la-Neuve, September 1986, 11p. |
1986 | Solow, Robert M. | “An economist's view of the income maintenance experiments.” | Lessons from the Income Maintenance Experiments. Alicia H. Munnell ed., Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. |
1986 | Wegner, Eckehard | "A general basic income integrated within the taxation system" | Prerequisites for financing and distribution effects from a German perspective. Contribution to the First International Conference on Basic Income, Louvain-La-Neuve, september 1986, 13p. |
1986 | Guilloteau, Laurent. | "Les tentatives d'organisation des chômeurs en France" | 1981-1986. diffusé par CASH, Paris, 1986, 110p. |
1986 | Herweyer, M. | "Basisinkomenen arbeidsaanbod" | Beleid & Maatschappij, september-oktober 1986-5, 244-253, |