Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1986 | Aya, Rod & Tromp, Bart | "Taking the Capitalist Road. An Immodest Proposal." | Theory and Society, volume 15, 5, 1986, 631-634. |
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1986 | Bedoucha, Jeanne & al | "Pauvreté et revenu minimum garanti" | Regards sur l'Actualité (La Documentation Française), Juillet-Août 1986, 123, 28p. |
1986 | Berger, Johannes | "The Capistalist to Communism: Groundwork and Practicability" | Theory and Society, 15, 5, 1986, 689-694. |
1986 | Berghman, J. & Roebroek, J. | "Waarborgen voor zekerheid: historische breuk met, of volgende fase van de ontwikkeling van de sociale zekerheid?." | Beleid & Maatschappij, september-oktober 1986-5, 233-244, |
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1986 | BIRG Elderly Group | "Basic Incomes and Elderly" | BIRG Bulletin 6, Autumn 1986, 3-5. |
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1986 | Block, Fred, Cloward R.A., Ehrenrich & Fox-Piven Frances | "The Trouble with Full Employment" | The Nation, May 17 1986, 694-697. |
1986 | Blum, Barbara B. | “Views of a policymaker and public administrator.” | Lessons from the Income Maintenance Experiments. Alicia H. Munnell ed., Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. |
1986 | Boulanger, Paul-Marie | " Etude prospective des coûts et des effets sur le marché du travail de l'Allocation Universelle." | A.D.R.A.S.S., (Ottignies), 102p. |
1986 | Boulanger, Paul-Marie, P.M. | "Simulating impact of Basic Income on the Belgian Labour market: results and difficulties" | Contribution to the First International Conference on Basic Income, Louvain-La-Neuve, September 1986, 11p. |
1986 | Bresson, Yoland & Guilhaume, Philippe | "Le Participat. Réconcilier l'économique et le social." | Paris: Chotard & Associés. |
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