Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1990 | O’Brien, J. Patrick / Olson, Dennis O. | "The Alaska permanent fund and dividend distribution program" | In: Public Finance Quarterly 18(2), April 1990, 139-156., also in: Basic Income Bulletin, 12 February 1991, pp. 3-6. |
1990 | Paasilinna, Maari Birit | "Kohti kansalaispalkkaa?" | Peustulo- ja perusturvakysymykset politiikan päiväjärjestyksessä [Towards a citizenship wage? Basic income and basic security issues on the political agenda]. University of Helsinki: Department of Political Studies (unpublished thesis). |
1990 | Parker, Hermione | "A different way ahead. Progress" | NA |
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1990 | Powell, Robin | "Towards ecological security." | Social Alternatives (c/o Department of Government, University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4067 Australia) Vol. 9 (1), 1990, 15-16. |
1990 | Reich, Charles A. | "Beyond the new property: redefining the individual." | Paper presented at a symposium organized at the Brooklyn Law School on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Goldberg vs Kelly court case, [1990], 36p. |
1990 | Renooy Piet | "Bedrijven spil klusseneconomie." | De Volkskrant, 23 June 1990. |
1990 | Roebroek, Joop & Hogenboom, Erik | "Basisinkomen: Alternatieve uitkering of nieuw paradigma?" | Samenvatting: De stand van de discussie. The Hague: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (VUGA Uitgeverij, Postbus 16400, NL 2500 BK s'Gravenhage), Report n°25, May 1990, 45p. |
1990 | Smith, J.W. | "The World’s Wasted Wealth" | Publisher: New Worlds Press |
1990 | Soininvaara, Osmo | "Vihreä markkinatalous" | [The green market economy]. Helsinki: Hanki ja Jàà, |
1990 | van Ojik, Bram, and Teulings, Bart | "De band tussen arbeid en inkomen: losser of vaster?" | Amsterdam: Wetenschappelijk Bureau Groen Links, December 1990, 26 p. |