Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1994 | Nespoulos–Neuville | "André Basic Income in Relation with Leisure" | Paper presented at the 5th BIEN Congress (London, September 8–10, 1994), 2 p. |
1994 | Nissen, Sylke | ""Arbeitsplatzangst und politischer Immobilismus." | Soziale Sicherheit und politische Patrtizipation als Voraussetzungen staatlicher Handlungsfähigkeit, in Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 40 (12). |
1994 | Nolan, Brian & Callan, Tim | "Poverty and Policy in Ireland" | The objectives of this book are to bring together what has been learnt in the course of this research about the extent, nature and causes of poverty and about framing policies to combat it, and to make these findings available to a wide audience. (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1994) , xviii + 357p |
1994 | OFFE, Claus | "Vollbeschaeftigung? Zur Kritik einer falsch gestellten Frage” | Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte 45 (12), 1994, 796-806. |
1994 | Offe, Claus Vollbeschäftigung | "Zur kritik einer falsch gestellten Frage" | Paper presented at the 5th BIEN Congress (London, September 8–10, 1994), 12 p. |
1994 | PFISTER, Regula | "Neue Wege in der Finanzpolitik" | In Schweizer Monatshefte 74 (11), [1994], 17-19. |
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1994 | PIRARBA, Giulio Cesare | "Il punto U – Realtà sostanziale ed evaluzione possibile" | Aetas, 1994. |
1994 | Purdy, David | "Citizenship, Basic Income and the State" | Paper presented at the 5th BIEN Congress (London, September 8–10, 1994), 36 p. |
1994 | RAVENTOS, Daniel and GISBERT, Rafael | "Trabajar o no, pero vivir" | Viento Sur, (Apartado de Correos 50.522, E-28080 MADRID, 14, April 1994. |
1994 | Reynolds, Brigid & Healy, Sean | " Towards An Adequate Income For All" | (Dublin: Justice Commission of the Conference of Religious of Ireland, 1994) 137 p. |