Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1994 | Jordan, Bill, Redley, Marcus & James, Simon, | "Putting the Family First. " | Identities, decisions, citizenships, London: UCL Press, 1994, 250p. |
1994 | JUSTICE COMMISSION | "Tackling Poverty, Unemployment and Exclusion." | A Moment of Great Opportunity. Conference of Religious of Ireland, 1994 |
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1994 | Kooistra, Pieter | "Het ideale eigenbelang" | Kampen: Kok Agora, 1994, 201p. |
1994 | Lawson, Richard Employment subsidy | " An alternative route to citizen’s income" | Paper presented at the 5th BIEN Congress (London, September 8–10, 1994), 6 p. |
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1994 | Leoni, R. | "Labour Supply: Which Theory." | A Critical Empirical Assessment; in: Labour 8/1994, p.19-55. |
1994 | Lerner, Sally | “The future of work in North America: Good jobs, bad jobs, beyond jobs” | In Futures 26 (2), March 1994, 185-96. |
1994 | Lerner, Sally | "Basic Income : Framing the Concept for Canada," | Paper presented at the 5th BIEN Congress (London, September 8–10, 1994), 15 p. |
1994 | Lerner, Sally | "The Future of Work in North America : Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, Beyond Jobs" | Paper presented at the 5th BIEN Congress (London, September 8–10, 1994), 17 p. |
1994 | Loftager, Jorgen | "Citizens Income and the Crisis of the Welfare State" | Paper presented at the 5th BIEN Congress (London, September 8–10, 1994), 29 p. |
1994 | Macarov, David | "Reinventing the Square Wheel. Why what didn’t work in the past won’t work in the future" | Paper presented at the 5th BIEN Congress (London, September 8–10, 1994), 21 p. |