Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
2004 | Erik Olin Wright | Redesigning Distribution: Basic Income and Stakeholder Grants as Cornerstones of a More Egalitarian Capitalism | Special issue of Politics & Society, Vol. 32. This book explores two proposals, unconditional basic income and stakeholder grants, that attempt just that. In a system of basic income, as elaborated by Philippe van Parijs, all citizens are given a monthly stipend sufficient to provide them with a no-frills but adequate standard of living. |
Book | Link |
2004 | Ellen Hadley | "One Dear Land" | A futuristic novel in which peace and justice are achieved through a basic income guarantee. |
2003 | Stuart White | The Civic Minimum: On the Rights and Obligations of Economic Citizenship | Many governments today are engaged in far-reaching programs of 'welfare reform'. But what would a just program of welfare reform consist in? Is the current emphasis on linking welfare 'rights' to 'responsibilities' justifiable? |
Book | Link |
2003 | A. Reeve and A. Williams | Real Libertarianism Assessed: Political Theory after Van Parijs | hilippe Van Parijs's Real Freedom for All is widely acclaimed for providing not only the most sophisticated defence of unconditional basic income, but also a rigorous examination of many central issues within contemporary political theory. This collection, including a response by Van Parijs, provides a comprehensive assessment of his 'real libertarian' vision of radical social change. |
Book | Link |
2003 | K. Dowding, J. De Wispelaere, and S. White | The Ethics of Stakeholding | The Ethics of Stakeholding brings together leading academics in the fields of political philosophy and social policy to engage with one of the most exciting new paradigms in social policy. |
Book | Link |
2003 | Clive Lord | A Citizens' Income: A Foundation for a Sustainable World | The title suggests that this is a book about the Citizen’s Income route to tax and benefits reform; but what the book is actually about is the danger to the planet and ourselves of our current consumption patterns. It is a manifesto about the environment within which a Citizen’s Income plays an important role. Or does it? |
Book | Link |
2001 | Hum, Derek and Wayne Simpson | "Historical | Piece in Policy Options (Jan-Feb). |
2001 | O'Connor, Alice | "Poverty Knowledge: Social Science, Social Policy, and the Poor in Twentieth Century U.S. History." | Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. “It's an intellectual history of approaches to poverty. Chapter 9, The Poverty Research Industry, puts the NIT experiments in their intellectual context.” |
2001 | Rogers, Joel and Joshua Cohen | "What’s Wrong with a Free Lunch?" | Our politicians insist that we live in a time of unprecedented prosperity, yet more and more Americans are pointing out that the richest 1% of our society holds more wealth than the bottom 90% put together. In this timely book, economist Philippe Van Parijs has a simple plan for addressing not only poverty but other social ills: everyone would be paid a universal basic income (UBI) at a level sufficient for subsistence. Everyone, including "those who make no social contribution-who spend their mornings bickering with their partner, surf off Malibu in the afternoon, and smoke pot all night." Boston: Beacon Press |
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2001 | SCHMITTER, Philippe | "The scope of citizenship in a democratized European Union: From Economic to Political to Social and Cultural ?" | Abridged as Chapter 3 of Ph. Schmitter, How to Democratize the European Union ... and Why Bother? Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000; forthcoming (expanded) in the European Journal for Social Policy. |