Year | Author | Title | Description | Type | URL |
1986 | den Uyl, Xander & Vrins, Cees. | "Tijd nog niet rijp voor basisinkomen" | Het Kader, (NL), nr 5, december 1986, 4-8. |
1986 | de Roo, Alexander | "Marktsocialisme en basisinkomen - Stemmen met de gulden" | Socialistisch Perspektief, nr 31, dec. 1986, 6-12. |
1986 | Douben, Nic. & Dekkers, J.M. | " The future of Basic Income." | Contribution to the First International Conference on Basic Income, Louvain-La-Neuve, Sept.1986. |
1986 | Doumeng J.B. | "Selon ma conscience - On ne sortira pas les sans-emploi de leur désespoir sans une mutation complète de la politique suivie jusqu'alors." | Le Monde, 15 Novembre 1986. |
1986 | Ekins, P. | "The Living Economy" | London Routledge. |
1986 | Elesh, David and M. J. Lefcowitz | “The Effects of Health on the Supply of and Returns to Labor.” | The New Jersey Income-Maintenance Experiment Volume II: Labor-Supply Responses. Hard W. Watts and Albert Rees (eds.) New York: Academic Press: 289-320. |
1986 | Elmore, Richard F. | “A political scientist's view of the income maintenance experiments.” | Lessons from the Income Maintenance Experiments. Alicia H. Munnell ed., Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. |
1986 | Falter, R., Hafner G. & Reinhard G. | "Ende der Lohnarbeit ?' | München 1986. 11p. |
1986 | Fauchard Liam. | " L'atout d'un revenu minimum garanti.' | Le Monde, 26-11-86, 1p. |
1986 | Fink, U. | "Wie schützen wir die Menschen vor Armut ?" | Die Zeit , 25.4.1986. |